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A Whole Other World
7 PM ET on Thursday, April 11, 2024
Online Zoom Webinar
Join publishers, authors and business partners Caroline Topperman and Andi Cumbo as they peel back the layers to reveal the world of publishing in 2024.
Caroline was a regular on our Summer Academy Panels in 2023, and we've been anxious to have her back to tell us more about their joint US-Canada venture, Mountain Ash Press.
Mountain Ash Press is a boutique press offering bespoke book coaching, editing, and publishing services to help you bring your book into the world. Their goal is to help writers through their choices of processes for getting their books into the world.
Andi is also one of those rare individuals who managed to get an agent for her self-published books.
This panel was generously proposed during our planning sessions in early March for CFB Books, our first content-related Special Interest Group. Of course we said YES.
This was an informative, entertaining and up-to-the-minute tour of the book publishing world in Canada and the USA.