Freelance writers, mark your calendars for the Professional Writers Association of Canada's "Level Up: The Conference," scheduled for September 20 to 23 in Toronto. For the first time, PWAC's annual conference is being co-presented by CMG Freelance. The schedule of events is packed full of useful professional development and networking opportunities.

The theme of this year's conference is "Freelancers Level Up" and the panels and workshops are aimed at helping freelancers reach the next level with their writing businesses. Subjects of this year's panel discussions include contracts, collaboration, book writing, and social media, among others. The weekend will also include a "working tour" of the St. Lawrence Market and Kensington Market, which will give participants an opportunity to find story ideas while sightseeing, as well as a speed networking and mentorship session.

CMG Freelance branch president Don Genova will be leading several sessions, and will be joined for a workshop on contracts by independent journalist Alison Motluk. Tassia Poynter, an employment and labour lawyer with the CMG's law firm, Cavalluzzo, will also be presenting during the conference.

At the end of the weekend, observers are welcome to attend PWAC's Annual General Meeting, which will be held on Sunday, September 23.

For more information or to register for the conference, check out the 2018 conference program on PWAC's website. And check back over the next few weeks as more speakers and panelists are confirmed.

Don't wait too long to register: Early Bird registration ends on August 16.

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