We've gathered a few stories about the media business, journalism, writing, communications, and freelancing—with a freelance focus—and share them in Off the Wire.

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Do you like this opportunity posting? Find hundreds more at the Canadian Freelance Guild Job Bank. It’s members-only, but membership is very reasonable.

Recently on Story Board

  • Webinar: Tax Time for Freelancers
    From the moment the clock ticked midnight on December 31st your financial affairs, for the most part, of 2021, came to an end. All the receipts and bills and invoices you’ve been throwing into the big shoebox (or however you track your finances) are basically done for the year and it’s time to start the preparation to make your peace with the CRA. Learn how to navigate the tax return minefield with Shannon Lee Simmons, founder of the New School of Finance. She’ll do a deep dive on eligible deductions from your income, G/HST returns, income from foreign sources and yes, what to do if indeed you end up taking that shoebox full of receipts to a tax professional. Register here.

Spot a story you think we should include in the next Off the Wire? Email the link to editor@thestoryboard.ca or tweet us at @storyboard_ca.