A virtual commons for freelancers.
Welcome to canadianfreelanceguild.ca, our online hub for freelance members of the Canadian Media Guild! We designed this space as a 21st century commons for self-employed workers who practice our crafts wherever we are, whenever we can. It serves as our virtual lunchroom, newsroom, creators' studio, classroom and gallery - physical places where regular employees normally connect in-person, collaborate side-by-side and put their talents on display.
We know that freelancing is more of a headspace than a workplace. We tend to go it alone, juggling in isolation. We cherish our independence but we can also suffer from an absence of team and institutional support. This self-directed, nomadic and hyper-resourceful way of life is increasingly common and, sadly, increasingly insecure. The CMG recognizes this and has adapted to the new realities of media, information, creative, technical and knowledge work with a new form of unionism for freelance workers.
CMG's new individual freelance membership allows self-employed workers to choose to join a union. For $150 per year, members can tap into a thousand dollars worth of support, increase opportunities for work, gain access to a huge network of media professionals, and transform freelancing into a more collaborative, balanced and sustainable livelihood. CMG Freelance aims to bring freelancers together with each other, with community, and with colleagues to foster a new social unionism - a movement that nurtures a wider support base on which we can plan ahead and secure our future.
Download our latest brochure on CMG Freelance Membership - Mar 2014