Freelancers who write about social justice issues, the 2022 Dave Greber Freelance Writers Awards is now open for submissions.

The Greber Awards offer two separate prizes:

  • Book ($5,000)
  • Magazine ($2,000)

The competition closes on Friday, June 24,2022 at 5:00 p.m. PST.

Dave Greber Freelance Writers Book and Magazine Awards for Social Justice Writing

About the Dave Greber Freelance Writers Book and Magazine Awards for Social Justice Writing

These awards honour the memory of Dave Greber, a Calgary-based freelancer who wrote extensively about social justice issues during the final decade of his career. The awards were created in 2004, and are given each year to freelance writers of social justice-related non-fiction.

Work that has not yet been completed for publication is also eligible for submission. To submit your work, you must be a resident of Canada and spend 70% of your working time as a self-employed freelance writer.

For more details about the award requirements, see the Dave Greber Awards website.

You can read Story Board’s interviews with some past Dave Greber Award winners right here.